Journal entry #354
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
1864 blog post - Steve B Madden (Arham Imaduddin)
1864 Blog-Orlin Kist (Sloan Miers)
Dear Sweet Cornelia,
A lot has happend since I last wrote you. The war has become even more mentally and emotionally draining than it ever has been. For one moral in our regiment has gotten very low due the the reports of the massive amount of casualties on the battle field. The Union's tactics just seem to be getting better and better along with every new general. I have been doing the best I can trying to keep my spirits up. I just can not wait to get home to you and you delicious cooking. As I stated in my last letter all they are feeding us are nasty meal rations like hardtack but we have recently been introduced to a slightly better one called salt pork. It is basically pork with extra salt to keep it from going bad. It's the best thing they have feed us so far but it doesn't even compare to your warm apple pie. Send my apologies to John and his family regarding their destroyed plantation. I am absolutely furious that the yanks think they can march through Georgia and steal from plantations then burn them. I must go now but I miss you and the kids so very much. Give them each a hug for me.
A lot has happend since I last wrote you. The war has become even more mentally and emotionally draining than it ever has been. For one moral in our regiment has gotten very low due the the reports of the massive amount of casualties on the battle field. The Union's tactics just seem to be getting better and better along with every new general. I have been doing the best I can trying to keep my spirits up. I just can not wait to get home to you and you delicious cooking. As I stated in my last letter all they are feeding us are nasty meal rations like hardtack but we have recently been introduced to a slightly better one called salt pork. It is basically pork with extra salt to keep it from going bad. It's the best thing they have feed us so far but it doesn't even compare to your warm apple pie. Send my apologies to John and his family regarding their destroyed plantation. I am absolutely furious that the yanks think they can march through Georgia and steal from plantations then burn them. I must go now but I miss you and the kids so very much. Give them each a hug for me.
1864 blog- Fitzhugh Pettigrew (Kyle Z)
Sausage & Apples
- 1 pound of sausage meat
- butter
- 3 apples
- ½ cup brown sugar
- tablespoon of cinnamon
This old Virginia dish is easy and delicious. Start with about a pound of sausage meat. Form into patties and fry lightly in a pan until just browned. Remove the sausage, pour out the fat (not in the fire) and melt some butter in the pan, enough to barely cover the bottom. Core and slice three apples to a thickness of about 1/4 inch and place in pan setting it over a low heat. When apples have softened slightly add a half cup of brown sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. As soon as the sugar has mixed with the butter and formed a thick syrup add back the sausage and cook for another ten minutes or so.
The food here is not the best. I can’t wait until the Confederates win the war. I miss the cooking of my wife Sally. This is the one meal that I think is best. Sally’s cooking is way better than this but it will have to do for now. It is simple but I like it enough for it to last me till the end of the war.
The food here is not the best. I can’t wait until the Confederates win the war. I miss the cooking of my wife Sally. This is the one meal that I think is best. Sally’s cooking is way better than this but it will have to do for now. It is simple but I like it enough for it to last me till the end of the war.
1864 Blog - George Otott IV (Lynn)
Dear Bob,
Good morning son, I write to you for a simple reason, this wretched war. I wish you never experience my shoes, I go through too much poppycock that a child should never feel. Don’t take for granted your mother’s dedication, and the Negroes. They’re going away for a little, I know you’ve acquainted them, but they’ll come back to visit you and your sister. The deaths were tremendous, thank God I have the strength to continue, stay with me. However, we were granted luck because of the North's arrogance, the soldiers enlisted for three years and journeyed home. Although, I was required to take combat in a march in Georgia, where they burned everything and took our hard earned supplies. They're foolish and viscous, Bob, you don't want to be around the Yankees. I wonder what’s in that green box I sent for you and your sister, hopefully you’ll write back.
Good morning son, I write to you for a simple reason, this wretched war. I wish you never experience my shoes, I go through too much poppycock that a child should never feel. Don’t take for granted your mother’s dedication, and the Negroes. They’re going away for a little, I know you’ve acquainted them, but they’ll come back to visit you and your sister. The deaths were tremendous, thank God I have the strength to continue, stay with me. However, we were granted luck because of the North's arrogance, the soldiers enlisted for three years and journeyed home. Although, I was required to take combat in a march in Georgia, where they burned everything and took our hard earned supplies. They're foolish and viscous, Bob, you don't want to be around the Yankees. I wonder what’s in that green box I sent for you and your sister, hopefully you’ll write back.
Monday, April 23, 2018
1863 blog- Fitzhugh Pettigrew (Kyle Z)
Day 1: General Lee wants my regiment close to Gettysburg and i am ready to fight and win this battle. We are pushing the Union troops back and we are ready to win this battle and next the war.
Day 2: We sadly pushed the Union to the high ground and they are killing more of us. I have lost a lot of men today and they are picking off my troops one by one. The Union is winning but Lee has a plan that will take over the Union.
Day 3: Lee’s plan failed because a union general moved his troops forward witch ruined his plan. We had to escape back to Virginia and now they have a better chance of winning the war. Lee needs to make an incredible plan that works or we will lose the war.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
1863 blog - Steve B Madden (Arham Imaduddin)
This war... It has gone on for far too long and it needs to be stopped. This is too damn absurd. All this time over what? Slavery. That's actually it. It's honestly the dumbest thing ever in the world, Slaves are meant to be property. I mean look at this. So many casualties. So many white casualties. So much precious white lives over these worthless black ones. This war has gone too long over slaves. We need to end it all. Screw slaves. Who cares about them. We are far superior then them. Slaves are property of mankind. These black people are getting ahead of themselves thinking they can hold guns. Someone needs to take control of them again. We need to take control of them again
1863 Blog-Orlin Kist (Sloan Miers)
Vocabulary Cards 37-47:
Study Everyone!
Orlin Kist
1863 Blog- William Matthews (Rayne)
Dear Father,
How is the Golden Nugget doing? I know times are tough, but I hope business is still thriving without my brilliant cooking. I miss you and Mary (my sister). Check up on her for me, will you? In the Confederate army, I have not been able to do much cooking, so I hope my skills won't deteriorate over time. Obviously, there is more at hand than just my selfish desires. Our last major battle did not go so well. The battle of Gettysburg lasted three whole days, and one of my dearest friends died. His name was Alexander Miller. He was one of the only things the made me hold my head high in this abominable war. The casualties are racking up. I heard from a passing by general that the casualties reached a staggering number. He said 51,000 I believe. It's terribly hard to grieve for the loss of lives when the tension has risen so high. All I can ever do is worry about when the next bombardment will be. The South suffered a very great loss. War spirit has been shattered within our sparse, injured troops. The Union seized the Mississippi River and effectively cut the Southern states in half. Those damn Unionists know what they are doing, so now we have to restrategize and reposition our forces. I will keep you updated, so please respond back whenever you might have the time. Next time, I might write a letter to Mary. I know she misses having me around to cook for her. Hopefully, you and Mary stay safe, Father. I miss you dearly. I give both you and Mary my best regards.
William Matthews
How is the Golden Nugget doing? I know times are tough, but I hope business is still thriving without my brilliant cooking. I miss you and Mary (my sister). Check up on her for me, will you? In the Confederate army, I have not been able to do much cooking, so I hope my skills won't deteriorate over time. Obviously, there is more at hand than just my selfish desires. Our last major battle did not go so well. The battle of Gettysburg lasted three whole days, and one of my dearest friends died. His name was Alexander Miller. He was one of the only things the made me hold my head high in this abominable war. The casualties are racking up. I heard from a passing by general that the casualties reached a staggering number. He said 51,000 I believe. It's terribly hard to grieve for the loss of lives when the tension has risen so high. All I can ever do is worry about when the next bombardment will be. The South suffered a very great loss. War spirit has been shattered within our sparse, injured troops. The Union seized the Mississippi River and effectively cut the Southern states in half. Those damn Unionists know what they are doing, so now we have to restrategize and reposition our forces. I will keep you updated, so please respond back whenever you might have the time. Next time, I might write a letter to Mary. I know she misses having me around to cook for her. Hopefully, you and Mary stay safe, Father. I miss you dearly. I give both you and Mary my best regards.
William Matthews
Saturday, April 21, 2018
1863 Blog - George Otott IV (Lynn)
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Lincoln conveyed with pictures associated in the Civil War |
In the image mosaic above, the pictures inside President Abraham Lincoln's portrait signify his infamous speech, the Gettysburg Address.
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. "
After the Battle of Gettysburg, which was the bloodiest battle in US history, Lincoln delivered the speech to honor all the soldiers obsolete, wounded, and absent due to the battle. The battlefield developed into a cemetery because of the unrealistic >50,000 casualties in three days.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
1862 Blog - Steve B Madden (Arham Imaduddin)
Dear Mabel,
I have been in the war for quite a bit of time as of now, and I haven't seen you or my children. I miss your Boiled Pork and Bean soup, and it's perfect mixure of salt and pepper.Your cooking is the best thing I look forward to whenever this damn war is finally done for. We just took a "loss" at the Battle of Sharpsburg, but considering the fact that no one really lost it seems tobe a tie in my eyes. Those damn Union troops took my best friend in my regiment, Billy Bob Joe. I dearly miss the kids and I ache whenever Ithinkabout them and how far we are away from each other. I hope that They're treating you well, and we may have devised a good plan thanks to General Lee which may or may not end the war.
Steve B Madden
I have been in the war for quite a bit of time as of now, and I haven't seen you or my children. I miss your Boiled Pork and Bean soup, and it's perfect mixure of salt and pepper.Your cooking is the best thing I look forward to whenever this damn war is finally done for. We just took a "loss" at the Battle of Sharpsburg, but considering the fact that no one really lost it seems tobe a tie in my eyes. Those damn Union troops took my best friend in my regiment, Billy Bob Joe. I dearly miss the kids and I ache whenever Ithinkabout them and how far we are away from each other. I hope that They're treating you well, and we may have devised a good plan thanks to General Lee which may or may not end the war.
Steve B Madden
1862 blog- Fitzhugh Pettigrew (Kyle Z)
Dear Sally
It has been a long time since I have seen you. I miss your amazing cooking that is now replaced with hardtack. Is my father doing alright at his age. I miss your beautiful smile and can’t wait until the war is over so we can be a whole family once again. Are my slaves doing alright and how many do we have. I hope that all of the slaves were loyal to you and didn’t run away to the foolish Union. We have won a couple of battles but I wish we could be our own separate country so we could get back to working and we wouldn’t have to lose slavery. I love you honey and can’t wait to see you again.
It has been a long time since I have seen you. I miss your amazing cooking that is now replaced with hardtack. Is my father doing alright at his age. I miss your beautiful smile and can’t wait until the war is over so we can be a whole family once again. Are my slaves doing alright and how many do we have. I hope that all of the slaves were loyal to you and didn’t run away to the foolish Union. We have won a couple of battles but I wish we could be our own separate country so we could get back to working and we wouldn’t have to lose slavery. I love you honey and can’t wait to see you again.
Love, Fitzhugh Pettigrew
1862 Blog-Orlin Kist (Sloan Miers)
Dear Sweet Cornelia,
Life in the war is hard. Day after day I hear the report on casualties and the number seems to be climbing. I am praying to the good Lord above that I do not become a casualty of this war. Battles are getting tougher and bloodier but I am still holding out. People are dropping like flies not only from the battles but from illnesses like dysentery. Oh how I miss your delicious cooking. The only thing they give us to eat is a nasty biscuit called hard tack. It breaks my teeth and has absolutely no taste at all. As of right now my rank is private but i am hoping to soon get promoted to a corporal. One of the only things that seems to keep our spirits up is listing to the song Dixie. It is just one of the best songs I have ever herd. Yesterday I herd news that 3 men deserted their post and were put to death. Lord knows I would never do that. Drills are getting progressively harder but I am making it through. I cannot wait to finish this war and come home to you and the kids. Stay strong for me.
Yours truly,
Life in the war is hard. Day after day I hear the report on casualties and the number seems to be climbing. I am praying to the good Lord above that I do not become a casualty of this war. Battles are getting tougher and bloodier but I am still holding out. People are dropping like flies not only from the battles but from illnesses like dysentery. Oh how I miss your delicious cooking. The only thing they give us to eat is a nasty biscuit called hard tack. It breaks my teeth and has absolutely no taste at all. As of right now my rank is private but i am hoping to soon get promoted to a corporal. One of the only things that seems to keep our spirits up is listing to the song Dixie. It is just one of the best songs I have ever herd. Yesterday I herd news that 3 men deserted their post and were put to death. Lord knows I would never do that. Drills are getting progressively harder but I am making it through. I cannot wait to finish this war and come home to you and the kids. Stay strong for me.
Yours truly,
1862 Blog - George Otott IV (Lynn)
Homemade Salt Pork
Necessities:1 pound pork belly
1 cup salt
1. Place salt and the pork belly in a small bowl and rub the salt over the meat.
2. Sprinkle salt onto a plate and place the pork belly on top, its skip on the top. Sprinkle more salt onto the pork belly. Cover the pork belly with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
3. Retrieve the pork belly from the refrigerator and discard of liquids on the pork belly. Turn the meat over and sprinkle more salt atop of it and refrigerate.
4. After enough refrigeration, take out the pork belly and rinse off all salt and dry.
5. Boil the pork belly to remove the salt, which should partially cook the meat. Fry the meat until a crisp exterior appears.
I stood there reminiscing my wife, whom I was fortunate of, caring for my family. She made extraordinary cookies that I knew my children adored, they told me stories of their fluffy interior, thawed chocolate, and it's love enforced into it. But instead, I would be consuming a stranger's meat, who did not seem interested in cooking it. The meat is SALTIER than the Pacific! I'd prefer to eat my wife's cookies, even though I dislike sugar because of my blood levels.
1862 Blog - William Matthews (Rayne)
Regiment Leader Trading Card
My Soldier Identity Trading Card
The Southern Commander's Trading Card: General Robert E. Lee
(I misspelled General Lee's middle name.. it should be Edward.)
Sunday, April 8, 2018
1861 Blog - Steven B Madden (Arham)
As we were preparing to go to Manassas to stop the Union from cutting of the railroad line placed there, I was looking at a picture of my dear wife Annabelle. By the time we had to go I wrote a letter to inform her and my 7 children I was off to fight a battle. When the Confederate Army reached Manassas General Beaugard deployed us too form a line going horizontally across one side of the Bull Run Creek. When we say the 37,000 Union soldiers we weren't really scared. Why whould we. They were enexperienced. We saw them flanking towards our left side. The battle went at a steady pace for quite a while until Genral Beaugard ordered us to counterattack. There were cavalries that came to our protection and more reinforcements. At that moment everyone in the Union side was completely done for, and everything on their side fell apart. Everyone started to flee at that point. We then realized we clearly won the battle. At the end of the battle there were 2,896 casualties on the Union side and 1,982 on the Confederate side. At the end of the battle I had injuries head to toe. After the battle we went on to celebrate our first big victory in the war.
1861 blog- Fitzhugh Pettigrew
Not too long ago we had a major battle near Manassas. Our generals were alerted that the Union army of 37000 was marching to Richmond. My regiment was ordered to go fight them and stop them from reaching Richmond. There was a total of about 22000 men to stop the Union. I could see picnics to the side of the battle. I was on the right side when the left side broke in. After 2 hours I saw some of the Union troops picking up rock like the war was over. I heard a battle cry that startled me but then I realized it was back up. After that, I could barely see through the smoke the while Union army running away. When we won the battle I was glad that none of my sons died. The word spread that the hero of the battle was General “ Stonewall” Jackson for staring death right in the eye. We had a little less than 2000 casualties. And the Union had a little less than 3000 casualties. I was so happy that i survived another day at war so I can see my family again after the C.S.A. wins the war.
From-Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew
From-Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew
1861 Blog-Orlin Kist (Sloan Miers)
Hardtack Recipe:
- 4 cups of whole wheat flour
- 1 cup of water
- 4 cups of whole wheat flour
- 1 cup of water
- Pour all 4 cups of whole wheat flour into a large mixing bowl and preheat the oven to 375 degrees
- Start adding the water in very slowly and mix while doing this
- Add water until you get a play-dough like texture
- Then take out the dough and roll it with a rolling pin until it is about 1/2 inch thick
- Next take a pizza slicer and and slice the dough into 3 by 3 inch squares
- Place the squares on an un-greased pan about an inch apart
- Poke holes in the squares so they can realise moisture while baking
- Bake the squares for 30 mins on one side then flip them over and bake for 30 mins the other side
- When done baking take the crackers out, let them cool, and enjoy your delicious hardtack!
I really miss my wife Cornelia's cooking. She used to make me delicious warm cookies and amazing apple pies. Now all I get to eat is this nasty "cracker" they call hardtack. It is only made with flour and water and has absolutely no taste. Hardtack is also as hard as a rock. It has broken 5 of my teeth. Before I eat the cracker a have to soak it in water so it gets a tiny bit softer so I don't break anymore of my teeth. Sometimes even worms crawl in the hardtack and it is gross. I would do anything to taste my wife's cooking right now.
Orlin Kist
1861 Blog - George Otott IV (Lynn)
JULY 16, 1861
My duty in this battle had been established.
All the soldiers woke up to the sound of our General Beauregard's (who has been an inspiration) voice. He had intentions, march Confederates to the north, and we had one day to practice our drill. How did we know of the Union's strategy? A spy returned to alert us, bringing us to Manassas.
The Federates, so cocky that not ALL of the men were even there, were doomed for catastrophe. General Beauregard deployed us along the Bull Run Creek, where the Union troops encountered us on the left. All I noticed were fools in smoke on top of each other. General Thomas Jackson led a tenacious brigade, allowing us to maintain the Union longer and for General Beauregard to counter attack. I heard the motor of trains afar, horses galloping towards us, rifles discharging, deafening screams from our side. Suddenly, the color of gray vanished from my sight, the fight had gone along with them.
I scout the area for death count, where there were too many bodies which left me mournful, what if this war grows? What if this war reaches my children? Is this our fate for eternity, blood?
I return nonetheless, to celebration in our camps. We all praised for General "Stonewall" Jackson(apparently that's what we call him now) and General Beauregard for our path to our lives again! God bless us
Thursday, April 5, 2018
1861 Blog - William Matthews (Rayne)
Battle of Manassas
Merely two weeks ago, the first major battle of this rancid war took place at Manassas, Virginia. Our troops were bombarded with the messages from our commander alerting everyone that the Union was moving towards my hometown, Richmond, Virginia. Those putrid, insolent fools thought they could invade and capture our lustrous, wonderful capital, but they were proven wrong. While on the battlefield, I saw the most miraculous, hilarious sights you can see. I nearly pitied the ignorant idiot from the North who was picking up stones from the ground. He thought this was the end of the war, didn't he? Later during the heat of the moment, twenty-two thousand of our troops formed a magnificent eight-mile line along Bull Run Creek and prohibited the Union from advancing any farther. The rag-tag army of young, unskilled men from the Union backed off and ran away like the pathetic cowards they truly are. This masterful, successful plan was led by our one and only, Stonewall Jackson. He was a strong, willful man revered by all Confederate troops, and in battle, his tactics led us to our first victory as the Confederate States of America. However, we suffered nearly two thousand casualties. It is a shame that we lost so many of our brilliant men. For those fallen soldiers, I will pray and continue to work harder and more vigilantly to secure our wrath and dominate the North.
William Matthews
Soldier Enlistment - Steven B Madden (Arham)
Hello my name is Steven B Madden and I am 45 years old. I am a major in the Confederate army and a planter with 25 slaves. I have a total of 7 children back home in Tennessee. They are all ranged from between 2-16. They’re names are Jeremiah, Jedebiah, Joe, Jill, Jimmy, Jenny, and Jeb. My wife back home is named Mabel May Mason Madden. I was born in Nashville Tennessee and was raised with a good education. I am a retired father and have lived with my family ever since. My opinion on Slavery is that giving Black people citizenshipis completely foolish and irresponsible. The only thing they’re good for is picking cotton much less chosing the presedent.
Soldier Enlistment - George Otott IV (Lynn)
Name: George Otott IV
DOB: 3/23/31
Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia
Race: White
U.S. Citizen: Yes
Home Address: 275 Broad St., Richmond, VA
Married or Single: Married
DOB: 3/23/31
Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia
Race: White
U.S. Citizen: Yes
Home Address: 275 Broad St., Richmond, VA
Married or Single: Married
Enlisted: April 5, 1861
Branch of Service: Army
Branch of Service: Army
Remarks: I was born and nourished in Atlanta, Georgia, where I distinguished my future in life. My education consists of Oxford University, where I studied for my diploma on business. I am deeply fortunate of my plantation in Virginia, where my wife, Bobbie, and I nourished our kids, Bob and Bobette, to learn of our opulence. I fight in this war because these Negroes that we nurture and protect, the Union is detrimental to them only, which seize their rights. If my seventy-five slaves were freed, there would be no shelter, food, filtered water for them, the South take pride and materials in caring for them. God bless us
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Soldier Enlistment-Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew (Kyle)
I am Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew from Lynchburg, Virginia. I am 53 years old with my beautiful wife Sally and my father Granville waiting for me at home. My two sons of 18 and 20 are fighting with me on the lovely side of C.S.A. My education is good because i went to a private school in England. This war has been very hard for me because I know the idiotic northerners don't know how good slavery. I will fight this war for all the people to keep their slaves and for me to keep all of my 71 slaves. If God allows us to own the slave then the northerners are messing with God's rules.
Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew
Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew
Solider Enlistment: Orlin Kist (Sloan)
Solider Enlistment
Howdy. I am Private Orlin Kist. I am age 45 and i hail from Hederson, Texas. I have a lovely wife named Cornelia and 4 sweet children named Penny, Molly, Mary Sue, and Betty. They are all waiting at home for me to return along with my father Samuel who is 75 years old. I personelay don't have an education. i own 5 slave and i belive they are very well treated. I also think my negros are good people. i am no longer a youngin and almost getting to old to fight. I dont have much battle experiance but I do know how to work a gun. I am fighting this here war with the Confederacy because i would like to keep my slaves around to do the feild work that i dont want to do. I dont want the dirty abolitionists along with the Union to take my slaves. i can feel it in my bones that me and my confederate brothers and i war gonna win this here war.Orlin Kist
Soldier Enlistment - William Matthews (Rayne)
Soldier Enlistment
I am William Matthews. I am a young man of just twenty-three years of age with two older brothers, Jacques and Dean, a younger sister named Mary, and my father. My mother died shortly after the birth of my dear sister, and she will forever be missed. Born into wealth, my family and I have many acclaims to fame. As part of the Southern aristocracy, my family has worked with many prominent Southern leaders. My family, excluding my brothers and I, have worked as a host at my father's opulent, prestigious inn, named the Golden Nugget. I studied cooking in Paris, France, so my taste is very refined, and I hold everything I do to the highest standard in all aspects of life. I am a hard worker and a solid citizen to the best degree. Personally, I am uncertain about slavery. I do not own any slaves, nor does my father, so I have to admit that I am not rather impassioned in this egregious war. I understand the necessity of slaves for our overall economy and benefit, but sometimes I do start to wonder about the morals of slavery. In this war, my stance is unclear at the moment, but as the vigorous, flourishing man I am, I will continue to work faithfully for my people of the South.
William Matthews
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